Sunday 1 May 2011

Keep Calm And Read This Post

So, I was in the car with my family today and somehow, we got onto the topic of future birthdays and whatnot. Revealing embarrassing photos for our 21st birthdays, what my mum did for her 18th and 21st and how people seem to get married and have children at older ages these days. Perfect example- How I Met Your Mother. I mean, come on! He is... much older than my parents, at least, when they got married, and he still hasn't met her! My parents had two children before he has even gotten married. I'm pretty sure, anyway. My mum proceeded to inform us that, in about 6 years, I will be the same age my parents were when they got married... And in about 8 years, I will be the same age they were when they gave birth to me. Well, obviously only my mum gave birth to me. Heh. Anyway, my response to this information was, "Ew." Yeah, great reaction.

It really made me think about what I want in life. I used to want to get married and have two or three kids pretty young, like, be married before 25. Now, I don't know. Actually, I'd like to be married and all, and that age sounds cool, but kids? I don't know. There are so many things I want to do before I settle down with a family. Firstly, to my mum, I said, "I've gotta finish uni and go to Spain first," and she said, "That's cool. When you find a guy you can say, 'I love you, but I'd got to go to Spain first,'" and I laughed. I didn't say anything like, "What if I meet someone in Spain?" ;)  That'd weird her out a bit... Anyway. I want to get a uni degree, travel, make new friends, go out to clubs and bars and junk, get a job that I love, have a good social life for once. I want to live and be a young person so bad before I even think about children.

Obviously, things could definitely, and probably will, change in the next 5-10 years, like they have in the past 5 years (back when I planned my husband and children, as previously mentioned in a previous post). Now, sadly, I don't mind thinking about what my future husband would be like, but I don't want to plan too much. I do plan though. I know exactly where I want to live (suburb, not the exact house, but I know what I want the house to look like), I know kinds of cars I want to drive, the hair I want, the clothes I want, what my house will be like. I plan how I want to go out for coffee with friends and be young. The only thing I haven't really planned is what I want to do for a career and what I want to do at uni... And that's the only thing I need to plan. Like, now.

And, I really shouldn't plan my future husband, cause that's quite unhealthy. It's quite doubtful that I will find a guy with light-red hair who is named Jack and is funny and smart and is all like, "Hey, you're weird, but I like your weirdness," and be someone who I can argue with and will hold my hand and never make me feel pressured or uncomfortable. But yeah, read hair. Mmm. If not, he should be Spanish. Either or... :P  Anywho.... *shifty eyes*

I am not really sure what I'm talking about now. Hum. Oh yeah, I was thinking the other day about how cool it will be to be with someone who deals with all my cruddy weird issues. You know. My social anxiety. My stress issues. My self-esteem issues. My insane indecision. And how I cry pretty easily when I'm at home. Not at school. Except for Friday when I kept kinda crying (thankfully not enough for anyone to notice) for no reason besides tiredness. Someone who will listen to me complaining about all those issues while I'm crying with a blotchy as face and whatnot.

Oh dang. How did I get into such a sappy, romantic mood? That was not intended. I apologise to all who are reading and going, "Oh no. She's off on a romantic mood yet AGAIN," heh. Blame Phantomess. I read her post before reading this.

So, I went shopping yesterday with my mum and it was cool. She bought me several clothing items that are finally giving me some sort of style. They are things I like and have seen other people wear and they make me feel at least my age, not younger. And, as mentioned earlier, I have some pretty bad self-esteem issues and the fact that I don't always look my age is one of them. But I am not going to go into that now.

So, I was going to work tonight. Oh crud. Tomorrow, it is then. I did flute practice and added one image and two words to my Music assignment. That is productive work for you. Be inspired.

I realised I say the word "so" a lot in my blogs. Hm. A habit I shall try to break.

Please enjoy this selection of images that will present themselves if you choose to search "what" on Google Images...



  1. Everything I write these days turns into a sappy romance whinge rant, so I totes understand xP
    Oh, out-of-school-ness. I want!

  2. I really get that. I want to have the young person lifestyle and travel but I also want the guy and the family at the same time. It's so hard

    But I think at the moment I just really want the young persons lifestyle and the guy most of all. Being single isn't really that fun....

    I totes understand where you're coming from though. :)
