Tuesday 10 May 2011

He Tits Me Off So Much...

Ah, the things we think we hear when our ears deceive us. Phantomess thought I said this when actually I said, "He ticks me off so much" referring to a particularly annoying child in Year 9 at my school.

I'm in a pretty good mood this afternoon so no depressing rants for you! Ha! Anyways, I am going to use this post to document the random junk that's going on here and the work, or lack thereof, that I am doing.

I have David Harris' EPIC riff from his cover of Save The Last Dance For Me stuck in my head. Zomg. So good.

What are you talking about? No... I am not checking several websites as well as looking up [title of show] songs instead of working on my Physics Assignment Draft. No.....

Aw. As soon as I hop on the computer (Woah. Weird mental image of a bunny literally hopping on my laptop...), I open up all the fun, social network, leisurey sites and check them, read them etc. before my internet gets slow. It is now officially slowing down. Shoot. Me. Now.

So, I have all of these sticky notes with lists and reminders pegged, with actual pegs, to this grid like thing on my bed. I have a bunk bed with a desk underneath and when you look up, from the desk, there is a grid. Mine is covered in random things and now, because of my genius epiphany last night, reminders pegged on. Yep, I am one organised chick.

I'm so into lists lately. Nearly every afternoon I will rip a piece of paper out of one of my many notepads (I am a stationery freak) and write a list with little boxes to put ticks in. The lists consist of things like homework, assignments and specific aspects of assignments to do. They work though, because I don't want to leave boxes un-ticked (No, spellcheck, not "unlicked") at the end of the day.


Youtube is being like, relatively quick and stuff. Hey there youtube. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter. I CAN HAZ [TITLE OF SHOW] MUSIC!

So, Phantomess and I were in spare today "doing Music Extension assignments". Translation: we were listening to songs from [tos]. I laughed and Crazy Librarian came along. She monitors spare lessons and takes her job very seriously. I believe she has an in-built radar for the sole purpose of hearing my laughter. Apparently, if I laugh, it is a sign that me and all those around me are off-task. Sorry guys :)
Anywho, Crazy Librarian comes along and is all, "What are you doing? I heard Clearly Unfocused laughing." Phantomess, the brilliant improviser that she is was all, "Oh sorry. I was getting her to listen to some songs from a musical that I'm studying for Music Extension," and Crazy Librarian was all, "Oh. So it's for your assignment?" To which we answered, "Yes," and she left, proceeding in some great laughter from us.

Oh my gosh. KEY CHANGE! I LOVE this musical and am SO excited to be seeing it with my pals.

Ok, who wouldn't love a show that has a song that says, "It's the opening song. It doesn't have a name and it's not very long"? And, come on! They sing about adding syncopation in a syncopated rhythm. The muso in me loves that.

Last [tos] reference. Die, Vampires, Die! is SUCH an inspirational song. SO funny but so heartwarming and inspirational and just WOW. LOOK IT UP. WARNING: COARSE LANGUAGE.

Wow, I actually bought my Physics notebook home. Huh, I thought ahead. I applaud my former (from like, 2 hours ago) self. IMMA TYPE UP SOME PHYSICS NOW.

I hate typing up Maths and equations. It looks dumb. I like it handwritten. But I can't hand in my handwritten, messy, all-over-the-place Physics stuff. Icky.

Oh, heck yes! Typed up the stuff that Mr T&C (or C&T. Whatever floats your boat) told me today. Suck it.

Now what?

So, like, my school's gonna be on TV for some Driver Education thing and the UN chose us. I have no clue at all why, but hey, it's getting us out of some class and Phantomess has to talk to them and yeah. TV. Whoop.

Oooh. I should do some Music Extension. But what I should do and what I will do are two very different things, haha.

I need to practice my instruments too. Mmm. Later. Now for... Music Extension, I suppose.

That wonderful moment when you close your Physics assignment and THEN remember something else you've got to do on it. Eughk.

That great moment when Phantomess is as addicted to [title of show] as you so neither of you are helping each other work.

This Music Extension assignment is so boring and depressing. I look at it and go, "Seriously. This hasn't been handed in yet? You mean, I have to work on it more?"

Wow. I've really got to stop listening to [tos] now. I need to work. Like, badly.

I just closed youtube. Applaud me now.


I can't hear you.

1 comment:

  1. *Applauds furiously*

    So proud! :P *tears*
