Sunday 22 May 2011

Anime: My Anti-Drug. Because When You're Addicted To Anime, You Can't Afford No Drugs.

I am in a really big anime mood right now. Oh, and Total Drama, heh. But anyway, anime. I have found this 30 Day Anime Challenge and have decided to do it all now. Mainly because I really felt like blogging but couldn't think of anything to write about...
Day 1 - Very first anime
- Death Note. First anime I ever fully watched. Sure, I might have seen tiny bits of Pokemon or whatever, but it's the only anime I'd properly watched. Ah, if only I knew how my life would be changed...

Day 2 - Favorite anime You’ve watched so far
- If you've read anything I've posted or spent well, any time with me, you'd probably know the answer. Fruits Basket :)  Yeah, it's my favourite, indeed. It's had the biggest impact on me, that's for sure, and I'll always love it. 
Day 3 - Your anime crush 

- Hahaha. I like how it says that as if I only have one. Well, previous posts have my lists of anime crushes, so I'll put my all-time number one here. Kyo Sohma, guys. 
Don't be sad, Kyo...  :)

Day 4 - Anime you’re ashamed you enjoyed 

- I'm not really ashamed I enjoyed anime animes. If anything, I'd have to say La Corda D'Oro, because it turns out quite a few people didn't like it and there were things about it I didn't like, but I still got addicted. I'm not really ashamed though.. 
Day 5 - Anime character you feel you are most like (or wish you were) 

- I feel like I'm a bit of a mixture of Kyo and Akito Sohma from Fruits Basket. I'd like to be Ayuzawa Misaki from Kaichou wa Maid-Sama because I like her feistiness and determination and the fact that she always works hard. And, besides, she gets Usui ;P
Day 6 - Most annoying anime character 

- Momiji Sohma. This is definitely an unpopular opinion as he is dearly loved by many Fruits Basket fans, but hated by me. 
Pretty sure he's crying because Kyo bashed him up a bit... Go Kyo!

Day 7 - Favorite anime couple 

- Hm. I guess I won't put KyoxTohru here, as they don't become a couple in the anime... Although, I do love their shipping in the anime. I would have to say, however, MisakixUsui. They are one awesome couple. They are called a Super Human Tag Team in the show and I just love them.
BST, much?
Day 8 - Most epic scene ever 
- Hm. It's a tie between Episode 25 of Death Note, when L dies and the final episode of Death Note, when all is revealed and Light loses. Probably the last episode. Man, I was on the edge of my seat.

Day 9 - Saddest anime scene 

- Episode 8 of Fruits Basket. Hatori's backstory. Tears galore. 
Day 10 - Favorite slice of life anime
- I haven't watched many slice of life. Actually, I think the only one I've watched is Honey and Clover and I've only watched like, 7 episodes... 

Day 11 - Favorite mech series

- I had to look up what a mech series is and I have watched none. Not planning on watching any either... 
Day 12 - An ecchi picture from your favorite series 
- Yeah. So, I am not really into ecchi so I has no pictures. 

Day 13 - Cosplay of your ‘waifu’ or Husbando’
- I don't even get this one.  

Day 14 - current (or most recent) anime wallpaper 
- Well, the one I have right now is:
But my last one, which actually worked as a wallpaper was this: 

Both made myself :)

Day 15 - Post a cute Neko-girl
- Yeah. I know none.  Wait, I found a picture that isn't really neko-girl but it kinda is...

Day 16 - post a kigurumi cosplay of your favorite anime character 

- I looked, but could not find any... Kigurumi cosplay is.. interesting though..
Day 17 - Favorite tsundere 

- Ah, tsunderes. Ayuzawa Misaki from Maid-Sama. Or Kagura Sohma from Fruits Basket. 
Day 18 - Something moe 

- I love these guys. Not really sure if it is "moe" but the Google Image caption said so :P

Day 19 - Mandatory swimsuit post 

Competitive, much?
Day 20 - Favorite shoujo anime 

- Uh, Fruits Basket. 
Day 21 - Best yandere character
- Well, by reading the TVTropes page, I was sure Kagura Sohma would be a yandere but she was not in the examples. Hm. Akito Sohma was, though. So, I say Akito and Kagura, whether she actually is one or not :P 

Day 22 - Favorite boy’s love couple (or yuri couple, if you don’t like that sort of thing) 

- Yeah... I'm not into boy's love or yuri, sorry. 
Day 23 - Anime you think had the best, or most intrigueing art 
- Um. Probably Death Note. It had the most realistic anime art I'd ever seen and, seeing as though it was my first anime (the one that stopped me thinking anime was stupid) it kinda showed me that my view of anime art wasn't all there was. 

Day 24 - Favorite anime hero or heroine 

- Hm. Hero... Probably Usui Takumi. He is pretty dang heroic. Or L. 
Day 25 - Best anime villian

- Akito Sohma. I mean, many fans and characters do see him as a villainous type, but he's one of my favourites. 
Day 26 - Your favorite harem anime 

- Wikipedia cast Fruits Basket as a harem anime, but I wouldn't have thought so. Well, I've only watched two harem animes, La Corda D'Oro (I mean, dude. She hangs with 5 guys and they all fall in love with her) and Kanon, but I haven't seen much of it. The harem side of La Corda D'Oro kinda annoyed me but I kinda liked it in Kanon. Even though I couldn't decide who I shipped him with... 
Day 27 - Favorite anime opening theme song 

- Very close between InuYasha and Death Note... 
Day 28 - Favorite pokemon
- I never really watched Pokemon and don't know all that much about it, but I've always had a soft spot for Squirtle.

Day 29 - Favorite school uniform
- Special A. It's about time that anime gets a mention in here... 
Very cool jackets and yellow ties. 

Day 30 - Anime character you want to cosplay
- I am actually planning on cosplaying as Akito Sohma next year as my very first cosplay ever. 


Day 13 - Cosplay of your ‘waifu’ or Husbando’

    Uhm, wife or husband. Duh. :3

    <3 I love your blog bro.

  2. Well, I got that, I just had like, no clue what to put there :P
