Friday 27 May 2011

Not Happy, Jan!

Yo, blogger peeps. Totes chilling in the State Library now. Opening my Physics assignment. Due on Tuesday. Whoop. -_- I thought I would share with you much randomness.

So, walking into the library about 5 minutes ago, I saw a man sitting alone and the first thing I thought was, "He looks British. If he starts talking and doesn't have a kinda posh English accent, I'll be very surprised." How does someone look British. I do not know. Unfortunately, he didn't just start randomly talking like a crazy person, so I couldn't test my theory.

I also saw a man who looked like he didn't have a face. He looked like an... Auton (I believe that's what they're called) from Doctor Who. Basically, walking mannequin alien dudes. Yeah, I freaked out a little then he raised his head and funnily enough, he had a face. He's a human being. Not an alien from Doctor Who. Hallelujah for that.

I had a slightly embarassing time in my Flute Ensemble rehearsal this morning. 4 people in my part have to play a high D-flat. Worst note on the flute. Awful. We were so out-of-tune because I was SUPER SHARP. We spent awhile trying to rectify that sharpness and failed. I adjusted everything that could be adjusted and was still sharp. So, she got me to play the fingering for low D-flat/C-sharp and overblow, to try and play a harmonic. Yeah, I had to play a note 2 octaves above the one I was fingering. Fun. I got one octave. Then 3 octaves. Mmm. I fluctuated between playing a bit low and too high. Finally I got it and held it (every other time I got it, it was for about 2 seconds) and we tuned that with another guy. It was flat. F my life. So, after all that, we decided that one guy in our section will play that note and the rest of us won't.

Gotta write an abstract for my Physics. It's annoying. We've got to do an abstract, introduction AND background information. So far, my abstract and intro are VERY similar. And all of these "How To Write An Abstract" websites aren't really helping...

"Abstracts have always served the function of "selling" your work." So, I've got to try and sell my Physics assignment. I am completely sure no one would want to buy this. Really. Who in the right mind would pay money to read a year 12 analyse the physics in the Tower of Terror in about 2000 words? Not me, that's for sure.

123 words, guys. Big enough abstract. Sure. Wait, no, I'll facebook some of my Physics bros to see what they have. Even though the one who will have the best abstract won't reply to me, I'm sure. Grr.

Sent a message to like, 5 guys.  One of them's bound to answer. I just hope they don't answer with, "i haven't done mine yet. i dunno how to. lol" I'll facepalm if that happens.

My posture here is hurting my back. Ouchies. Actually, it's my neck. Actually, it's the back of my neck.

What are you talking about? Constantly correcting myself and blogging about the pain in my neck is not weak form of procrastination.

My teacher told me to make my introduction sound interesting. It was boring. Pretty sure that reflects the rest of my assignment.

Well, I see Phantomess coming towards me. So long, dudes.

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