Monday 23 May 2011

Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep.

Yeah. Imma copy Phantomess, Gojo AND Lainey and do a list of 100 random things about myself.

1. I can't look people in the eyes for very long. Especially not teachers. It makes it awkward as...
2. I don't like driving. I have an awful fear of driving and just wish I had my P's and the confidence to drive anywhere already. Having my Learner's freaks me out.
3. I actually really like public transport. Well, not all of its issues and unpunctuality, but I like being on public transport.
4. When I was a kid, I used to find it soo exciting to ride the train to the city. Both were such exciting treats for me. I still love both so much.
5. I love potatoes. Chips, mashed potato, roast potato, wedges. I just love potatoes. Sure, they are best cooked in a lot of oil with quite a bit of salt, but hey.
6. I wish I was a gamer but, honestly, I suck.
7. I suck at Pacman. A lot.
8. When I play Halo (or Halo 2) with my little brother, I can never aim properly and that, coupled with my not-so-quick reflexes, means that he kills me about 17 times and I kill him once or twice, if I'm lucky. This results in my hitting him with cushions yelling, "LET ME KILL YOU!"
9. I realised I can have quite a violent streak when I was going to play Doom or something (I was in a First-Person Shooter game mood) and there was this really long intro thing and I pressed every button to try and skip it but it wouldn't skip. Instead I sat there moaning going, "Oh my gosh. I just wanna shoot someone!"
10. I'm not vert creative. Sure, I play two instruments and get As in English and Music and do decently in Music Extension and English Extension, but I'm actually not all that creative.
11. I'm not that mathematically minded either. I guess I'm a bit of both.
12. I'm a left-hander.
13. My dad always said that if you are right-handed, you generally wear watches and other jewellery on your left hand, cause it doesn't get in the way of when you write, or something. I can't wear jewellery on my right hand. It annoys the heck out of me.
14. I wanna go to Broadway someday. So bad. So, so, so bad.
15. For some reason, I really like the sound of Canada and really want to go there. I don't even know that much about Canada.
16. I'm not all that great with pop culture.
17. Or general knowledge.
18. I haven't seen most movies that people my age have seen.
19. I haven't heard of most bands that people my age listen to. Or used to listen to. Or those classic bands from like, 30 years ago. I don't know their music.
20. I have an extremely random selection of music on my iPod.
21. I kinda regret giving up Chinese and I do really miss Chinese classes with Tenuto Tuo.
22. I have the really bad habit of singing along to songs when I'm listening to my iPod because my voice sounds like theirs and I forget that everyone else can hear me and I most likely sound awful.
23. I used to really want to learn guitar. Acoustic. Now, if I were to learn guitar, I'd wanna learn bass. Not sure why.
24. I played the flute and always wanted to do piccolo but now, I love low instruments. Double Bass, Bass Clarinet, Tuba FTW.
25. I never used to like the trumpet much at all. I really like it now and wish I'd learnt it earlier.
26. I don't actually see what the fuss with being tall is about. I like being short...
27. I've always liked Saturdays and Fridays the best. Sundays are cool, I guess, but I usually spend them doing homework and assignments and getting depressed that it's nearly Monday.
28. Whenever I see people crying on TV or movies, I begin to get teary, whether I care about the character or their story or whatever's going on.
29. People are all, "You know you're an Australian when you can run in thongs." I can't run in thongs.
30. I am listening to the last song on Paradise Oskar's album, Da Da Dam Acoustic and I am officially a huge fan of this guy. I am like, practically in love with him now :)
31. Doing this whole list is a lot harder than I thought it would be.
32. When I type, my left pinky sticks up really funny.
33. When I play sax, my left pinky sticks out really funny.
34. I have sucky flute posture. I always remember the time my first flute teacher said that flautists hold their flutes up straight because flautists are snobby.
35. I like to sit on the computer with my earphones in even if there's no music playing.
36. I sit cross-legged a lot.
37. When I'm not sitting cross-legged, I'm often sitting like guys sit, apparently.
38. If I eat a little bit of breakfast, I'll get more hungry than if I eat no breakfast.
39. If I'm really tired and not worried about anything at all, I'll lie in bed thinking about anything and everything and not be able to sleep.
40. I'm arguing with Tenuto Tuo over who'd make a better couple with Paradise Oskar. It's me btw. Unless Paradise Oskar is gay... I'm not going to look that up. Ok, yes I am...
41. I seem to have a bit of a different perception of "attractive" to everyone else. When little teen fangirls think some guy is "totes hot" I'm all, "Really?"
42. Tenuto Tuo and I have very different opinions on attractiveness. It's quite amusing.
43. I have a very long list of animes I want to watch.
44. I watched Honey and Clover for the first time in ages last night and, afterwards realised I'd skipped two episodes.
45. It takes me quite a few episodes to remember all characters' names. I refer to them as Glasses Guy or Dude With Blue Hair or Maid Chick etc.
46. I hate it when people ask, "How's life?" It's so broad and vague and I never know how to answer briefly. I usually respond by telling them how much I hate that question and they laugh.
47. When cleaning up my room when I was younger (like, 12 or 13 and younger), I used to pretend I was on some show where I organised other people's rooms and I would mouth to myself or talk in my head (or whisper) a commentary on how I was cleaning this room.
48. When I was younger, if my brothers and I cooked together, we used to pretend we were on a cooking show.
49. I kinda like cooking but I read the recipe a LOT because I do not wanna mess anything up.
50. (WE'RE HALF WAY THERE!) When going to use public restrooms, I read the "female" sign many, many times to make sure I'm not about to walk into the wrong room.
51. I hate walking in front of people. I freak out that they're all watching the way I walk or looking at my legs or somethin.
52. I'm starting a new anime. So excited! Only watched like, 3 minutes and I already like it.
53. My argument with Tenuto Tuo is getting pretty serious now. I wonder what Paradise Oskar would think.
54. I really want to watch an anime that'll make me cry.
55. "I have been dreaming about nobody but you, for the last few years. I have been screaming out for nobody but for, for the last few years," OMG PARADISE OSKAR.
56. Probably said this before, but make-up makes me feel sick. Even just the smell.
57. I get excited when I actually have proper conversations with people that aren't my friends or family. I go over the conversation a LOT because this kind of social interaction is rare.
58. I can't help analysing the metaphors and camera angles used in TV shows and movies now. Thanks, Senior English.
59. I often go ranting at the TV when ads are shown about weight loss or weight maintenance and it shows young, skinny, pretty young women "watching their weight". That is why people feel they must watch their weight- because the media tells you that skinny, pretty women need to watch their weight. For goodness sake, a small chocolate bar isn't going to make you fat. Chillax.
60. Despite this, I ain't happy with my weight. Sure, I don't think I'm fat, cause I'm not, but I wish I were a bit smaller.
61. Despite this, I will continue to eat unhealthy foods and not exercise.
62. This argument with Tenuto Tuo is still going and is resulting in us using caps lock a lot. I use caps lock a lot lately. SEE?
63. I really respect performers when they show emotion especially in musical theatre or just mainstream singer dudes. If I can hear genuine emotion in their music and their singer, their talent, or lack thereof, becomes less important.
64. I have a display folder filled with notes I passed with friends last year and letters from my friend, Old Man.
65. I am extremely sentimental. I'm all, "I wanna keep this bus ticket. It'll make me nostalgic in 5 years time."
66. I'm very nostalgic.
67. I should be doing Physics right now.
68. Or reading Pride and Prejudice.
69. LOLS 69. Makes me think of year 8 and my weird friends then. I don't remember a lot from back then.
70. I have a kinda sucky memory.
71. I like acoustic versions of songs. Sometimes more than the original.
72. I've never been to a concert. Well, early this year, there wasn't anyone I really wanted to see live. I wanted to go see Paramore, but did not. A few months later, I became obsessed with Relient K, the opening act for the Paramore concert. I have been kicking myself for not going ever since.
73. I still have the vein hope and fantasy that I'll see Relient K live and meet Matthew Thiessen and I'll restrain from squealing, "I LOVE YOU!"
74. Actually, I'd be all, "...."
75. Maybe not. Going to stage door so many times has shown me that, when a star is involved, I will do anything (like, get in their way and stop them from going to have drinks and talk to them and shove my program in their face) to get a signature and photo. I mean, I got two photos and... three signatures from David Harris, didn't I?
76. I don't like it when I act loud. I wanna yell at myself cause it feels fake.
77. I am determined to get this finished before I go to bed, even though I started HOURS ago.
78. I can't dance. I actually don't know how to dance. At all. So I don't try. I just bob. Or do stupid disco moves to be stupid.
79. Never read Harry Potter. Never watched Harry Potter. Not planning on it. Don't want to.
80. I do, however, want to read Sense and Sensibility.
81. I hope that my brothers didn't hear my singing along to Lipstick by Jedward then when they walked past my room. I really like this song.
82. I get car sick. It sucks. I can't read in the car or bus or plane or train.
83. Up until late last year (or early this year. I can't remember) I couldn't take tablets for the life of me. I still have difficulties often.
84. All that soluble stuff makes me gag.
85. Old Man bought me a Rubik's Cube for my last birthday and I really like it, but it just sits on my bookshelf looking cool. I can't solve it. Nor do I have the motivation to try very hard.
86. I can't play chess. Never been really properly taught the rules and I can never remember the things that people have taught me. I spend the whole time going, "Wait. So, which way can this piece move?"
87. I will forever love Bulgaria's entry in Eurovision this year. NA INAT!
88. I have done absolutely NO work tonight. Crud. I am a terrible student. LOL JKS I'm better than most people in my grade.
89. I'm a ribbon hoarder. I have lots of ribbons tied around the poles on my bed/desk.
90. I really don't like it when people make rape jokes or jokes about porn or whatever. I so don't find it funny, guys.
91. I love key changes in songs. So dramatic.
92. I also love it when there's like, a choir of back-up singers.
93. Or when an entire orchestra pops up in a climactic moment of the song. Yay for using the musical elements to create climactic moments.
94. Hi, I'm Clearly Unfocused and I am a TVTropes addict.
95. I could not be stuffed arguing over Paradise Oskar anymore. I mean, for goodness sake. Neither me or Tenuto Tuo are going to be loved by him so let's stop this facebook argument. Let us fangirl (or fanboy) from afar.
96. I'm good at that. Fangirling from afar. Seeing as though I mainly fangirl over anime characters, I can't really fangirl close up.
97. Up until about 2 years ago, I hated wearing sneakers. I only wore thongs. Now, I practically only wear sneakers. And boots.
98. I don't totally hate the UKs Eurovision song. Despite the boy band. It's not as bad when you're not watching them and you try and forget they're a boy band.
99. I still would love to be a voice actor. It'd be awesome. If I couldn't do that, I'd love to work for an anime company. Not that I know what I could do, not knowing animation and not being able to do voice acting. Fffffsssss.
100. I'M DONE. My face is really hot. Like, fever-wise, not attractiveness-wise.


1 comment:

  1. YAY!!
    Potatoes = mmm.
    Oh, number 10. I hate when people go "help me think of an idea for this, you're a creative person, you do music" because, well, that's kind of different. There isn't just 'being creative' and 'not being creative'. There is a lot of gray area there. =/
    Dude, we should totes learn guitar together. Somehow.
    Ah! 28! I was tearing up in Fireproof when the guy started crying. Whaaat.
    38 makes sense. You start digesting breakfast and then your metabolism starts working and it's like "k I'm working need more food". If you don't eat breakfast, you don't kick start your metabolism. Or something. I wasn't really listening when Dad explained it ^^
    LOL @ 47 and 48.
    Oh 76. I hate how I act. I tend to get rather loud as I'm sure you've noticed. xD
    78... yeah my lists took like, 3-4 hours each =P
    79 makes me want to cry =(
    For 90, uhm... I'm sorry if I do make jokes like that. I don't mean it seriously and... yeah... If I awkward you out (I don't think that made sense) then just slap me or something :3
    Zomg 97. Are you me?
    Hahaha 98, ikr? I've started listening to it more... :S
    99 <3
    100 = your face IS hot. Mmm, I'd tap that.
